Please rotate your device to landscape mode

Create Your Password

To secure your account,
enter a password between 4 and 24 characters.
Make sure to remember it!

Banano BrowserQuest

Enter your account password

Create New Character

Choose a user friendly/non-vulgar name otherwise your character *will* get banned from the server or permanently deleted!
Create Character

Banano Address

Banano is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy. You will be earning a small payout for completing the game! You can create a free wallet by downloading a mobile wallet such as Kalium (iOS and Android) or by using Banano Vault (web-based).

Once your wallet is created, you'll get a your public address starting with "ban_", this address can be shared as a way to receive funds.

You'll also get a Nano seed / Nano mnemonic phrase. Create a backup and NEVER share your seed / mnemonic phrase with anyone, they are the keys to your funds. If the key is lost you will lose access to your funds forever!


Banano BrowserQuest

Banano BrowserQuest

You are banned.

Admin messsage:

Nano BrowserQuest is a place for everyone to have fun,
You can ask for a ban lift on the Discord server
in #support channel if you agree to change your behavior

bye bye for now.

Banano BrowserQuest

Unable to connect.

You need to accept the following terms of usage
before creating a new character.

If you choose to connect your ban_ address,
you'll be collecting Banano by completing the game achievements.
Your cumulated Banano payout will be sent once you kill the skeleton king
by getting the last hit!
You can complete the game as many time as you like
and play with your friends.

Join the Discord server to connect with other players.

No cheating. No begging. No harassing other players. You will get banned.
Keep it friendly.


Welcome to Banano BrowserQuest

Banano BrowserQuest is a multiplayer game inviting you to explore a world of adventure from your Web browser.

If you choose to connect your ban_ address, you'll be collecting Banano by completing the game achievements.
Your cumulated Banano payout will be sent once you kill the skeleton king!
You can complete the game as many time as you like.

Play with your friends and introduce them to Banano!

You are dead...

You've lost gold.

Be sure to safeguard your gold by storing it in your stash to prevent any potential losses!

Your browser cannot run Banano BrowserQuest!

We're sorry, but your browser does not support WebSockets.
In order to play, we recommend using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome or Safari.


* Items can only be purchased using Banano cryptocurrency, USD equivalent is displayed as a reference.
* Items are credited instantly. If you don't receive your items, reach out to running-coder on the BananoBrowserQuest Discord server




How to play

  • Left click or tap to move, attack and pick up items.
  • Press ENTER to chat with other players.
  • Your character is automatically saved as you play.
  • Upgrade your items at the Anvil in town.
Completed 0 /
0 /

Game Payouts

You killed the Skeleton King and received a Banano payout.

If you wish too continue the adventure,
you can use the waypoint in town to enter the Freezing Lands expansion

You can play again with your friends and receive another payout
by creating a newcharacter!

Register an account

Register your ban_ address in the Settings panel (press "O")
to received a Banano payout for killing the Skeleton King.

Registering an account is optional,
you'll still be able to progress through the game if you choose not to.

Not yet!

You may not fight the end boss at the moment,
you need to be at least level .

Keep killing monsters and gaining experience!

New Achievement Unlocked!
0 players
Max HP
Total Damage
Attack (Critical %)
Defense (Block %)
Misc %
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Cast rate
Frozen Reduce
Extra Gold
Drain Life
Regen Health
Absorbed Dmg
Player 2
Waiting ...
Player 1
0 players online